Familiar vs Novel describes the tension between using familiar design elements that allow users to operate intuitively and introducing new, innovative elements that enrich the user experience and provide variety. Striking a balance between familiarity and novelty can help users find their way around quickly, while also promoting interest and engagement through fresh design approaches.
The balance between familiar and new design elements is a central aspect of design research and has been emphasized by various theorists and practitioners. One of the most influential contributions comes from Donald Norman, whose work emphasizes the importance of familiar patterns for usability.
- Norman, D. A. (1988), The Design of Everyday Things
Application in UX and UI design
In UX and UI design, it is essential to find a balance between familiar elements and exciting innovations in order to ensure both the user-friendliness and the innovative strength of an application.
Familiar elements make it easier to get started and shorten the learning curve for new users (see Jakob's law). At the same time, innovative features and unconventional design elements can enrich the user experience and maintain user interest.
A strong emphasis on familiarity tends to result in a more traditional, conservative effect and is more appropriate for companies or content where reliability and credibility play a central role. By using unconventional elements, a reputation for innovation and modernity can be enhanced.
In order to find the right balance between familiarity and novelty, it is important to include user feedback and usability tests. Only in this way can you find the right user-centered mix.
Impact on the User Experience
strongFurther information
- Novelty vs. Familiarity Principles in Preference Decisions - doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00043. PMID: 21713246; PMCID: PMC3110941.
- Navigating the Unknown: Familiarity with UX Design - Tomer Tisson
- Psychologie-Studie: Vertrautheitsgefühl beeinflusst unsere Entscheidungen - ZWP online