The Fogg Behavior Model states that behavior occurs when motivation, ability and a suitable trigger interact simultaneously. If one of these elements is not present to a sufficient degree, the desired action will not occur. For example, a high level of motivation can fizzle out if the execution is too complex, while even a simple task is often abandoned if no suitable incentive or trigger is given.
The model was developed by the behavioral scientist B. J. Fogg and presented in literature in 2009; it quickly found widespread use in the area of persuasive design. B.J Fog is still head of the "Behavior Design Lab" at Stanford University, USA.
- Fogg, B. J. (2003). Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Fogg, B. J. (2009). A Behavior Model for Persuasive Design. Persuasive
Application in UX and UI design
The Fogg Behavior Model is a valuable guide for designers who want to use design components to promote a specific behavior.
Designers can design products in such a way that their use and the achievement of goals are kept as simple as possible, while at the same time a clear benefit or reward is visible (high motivation). A specific trigger, e.g. a motivating prompt, can ensure that the desired behavior is triggered.
The model enables a structured approach, particularly in onboarding processes: first, motivation is increased by advantages or reward components, while barriers (e.g. complicated forms, difficult-to-understand information architecture) are reduced and, ultimately, the desired behavior is triggered by a call to action.
Impact on the User Experience
mediumFurther information
- Fogg Behavior Model - Dr. B. J. Fogg
- Das Fogg Behavior Model – Nutzerverhalten verstehen -